We have been around a while, so we see challenges differently.
Strategic Planning, Project Development and Implementation
Blue Pangolin provides technical assistance in planning and project development, including:
- Clear and concise description of the project objectives;
- Strategic context;
- Project description summary, including costs and implementation arrangements;
- Project rationale, describing alternative approaches considered to identified problems, lessons learned from previous operations.
Blue Pangolin believes that evaluation is only of real value if it helps organisations take stock of what they have achieved and use that information to plan for the future. Mid-term reviews give the opportunity for different partners/stakeholders of a project to re-examine the design of the project in the details. The final evaluations usually document:
- The results achieved;
- The problems encountered;
- The lessons learned,
- and the knowledge gained from carrying out the project.
The report describes and evaluates the final project outcomes. The final outcomes are then compared to expected results. Blue Pangolin provides technical assistance in the development of these evaluations.
The survival and well-being of all species require healthy ecosystems, whose conservation depends on long-term, extensive and effective funding. Identifying new sources of funding is a vital component of any organization’s operations.
Blue Pangolin helps clients identify potential funding, design fundraising strategies, identify new partnerships or assist in grant writing. Blue Pangolin performs these services for government agencies and non-government organizations. The services provided include:
- Grant Writing
- Fundraising
- Partnership Identification and Development
Associated Projects
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA)
Among the many barriers to achieving the protection of natural resources, the lack of public awareness on the importance of biodiversity ranks as one of the most serious. Without an awareness of the importance of biodiversity to human well-being, citizens and stakeholders are not likely to take the steps needed to mainstream biodiversity considerations into their daily lives and practices. The lack of public awareness also contributes to the relatively low political priority given to biodiversity issues.
Blue Pangolin specializes in producing diverse, effective communication and outreach materials, websites management, and expert advice on their development for a variety of audiences.
- Development of communication strategies and tools.
- Implementation of the strategy.
- Technical advises in development of Internet applications, including websites.
- Website Management.
Capacity Building
Essential services that protected areas provide, such as clean water, food security, health, economic well-being, carbon sequestration and protection against natural disasters are becoming widely recognized. Less well understood is the fact that those protected areas must be managed effectively in order to fully provide these services.Capacity development has been identified in many regions and in global assessments on biodiversity conservation as one of the key priorities that needs to be urgently addressed to promote best practices and management performance in protected areas. Our services encompass
- Assessment of training needs,
- Development of capacity building strategy,
- Development of training concepts,
- Development of tailor-made or more generic training material (for interactive learning as well as presentations),
- Organization and realization of training events (from one day workshops up to several weeks).
Event design and facilitation
Whether it’s an half day workshop, a general meeting, an international symposium, a side event or a training, sometimes you need a skilled, experienced outsider to come in and add some perspective and structure.